Becoming undivided

An online group exploration for women, winter 2023-24

Listening and Responding

This is an invitation to gather with other women as we are moving into winter, and, living through dark times in our world. The group will provide a space to share our feelings and reactions to the current world events.

What kind of work are we called to do? What do we need to see and understand? How do we choose to respond? How can we be of service to the whole?

We will explore these questions, listening to ourselves and each other, and connecting with our inner guidance.

As the shadows are coming out more and more on the world stage, one of the greatest gifts we can give is to work on ourselves, facing the shadows inside us. We will explore principles and practices of polarity processing, a simple, yet profound, form of shadow work, which helps us own our projections, face our fears, and become more balanced and integrated. By healing our inner divisions, we bring healing to the world.

This work is emergent and co-creative and is suited for women who have done a certain amount of inner work.

Exploring and Healing Together

We need community and safe holding environments to support our transformation and awakening. When we share our experiences and are witnessed by others, it moves us forward. When we connect with each other in safe and regenerative spaces, we create a shared field of heart coherence. This promotes our health, relaxation and resourcefulness, and ripples out to those around us as well. As we explore and learn together, we open to new ways of seeing and support each other to respond creatively to the challenges and opportunities we are facing.


This exploration consists of five two-hour gatherings on zoom, from November to January.

Sunday November 12, 14-16 CET

Sunday November 19, 14-16 CET

Sunday December 3, 14-16 CET

Sunday December 17, 14-16 CET

Sunday January 7, 14-16 CET

In between our gatherings, you will be invited to go on nature walks, to support your listening, and receiving of guidance. You will also receive e-mails with poems and questions for deepening our explorations.


This is a small and intimate group intended for 5-8 participants. The suggested price is a sliding scale between 4500-5900 NOK (400-590 USD). Payment plans are available. If you wish to join but cannot pay the suggested amount, please reach out to me!

how to join

Sign up by sending me a message through my contact page by November 10. Note that spaces are limited and registration is on a first come, first serve basis. You can read more here about my women´s groups or about polarity processing. Please contact me if you have any questions. If you join us, I look forward to being, exploring and sharing with you.

“The world is not decided by action alone. It is decided more by consciousness and spirit; they are the secret sources of all action and behavior.

The spirit of a time is an incredibly subtle, yet hugely powerful force. And it is comprised of the mentality and spirit of all individuals together.

Therefore, the way you look at things is not simply a private matter. Your outlook actually and concretely affects what goes on.

When you give in to helplessness, you collude with despair and add to it.

When you take back your power and choose to see the possibilities for healing and transformation, your creativity awakens and flows to become an active force of renewal and encouragement in the world.

In this way, even in your own hidden life, you can become a powerful agent of transformation.”

John O´Donohue


Winter 2022-23: The Power of Polarity Processing

Spring 2022: Unlearning for Artists

Spring 2022: Cultivating Courage

Winter 2021-2022: Living From The Heart

Spring 2021: Exploring Inspiration

Spring 2021: Love in Response to Climate Change, with Julie Courtnage

Winter 2021: Exploring Enoughness

Winter 2020: Listening and Responding

Spring 2020: Facing the Unknown with Love, Trust and Support

Fall 2019: The Four Shields of Giving and Receiving

Spring 2019: Women´s Spring Group

Fall 2018: A Different Exploration of Money

Fall 2018: Exploring the Season of Fall

Spring 2018: Vårløsning/Women´s Spring Group

Spring 2018: Exploring in Community

Fall 2017: Exploring the New Story

Fall 2017: Ritual Theatre for Community Restoration, with Hector Aristizábal

Fall 2015: Money as Teacher, Ally and Friend